
Conflict Coaching

God’s desire is that we be able to resolve our differences with one another between the two of us. If we are unable to do so, the first step should be for both people to seek wisdom counsel about how to approach the person and handle the conflict in a more Christ-honoring and biblical manner. Often one person will have more of a motivation or interest to resolve the conflict and that person seeking wisdom counsel can pave the way to a different outcome.

Roy Huddle seeks to provide such wisdom counsel to help people be able to work through and resolve their own conflicts through Christian conflict coaching. Christian conflict coaching addresses the relational and substantive issues involved as well as the Christian foundation upon which the parties are relating to each other.

In conflict coaching, you will meet with Roy Huddle, as often as necessary to discuss the issues, receive homework on issues of importance, work on the homework, and prepare for another meeting with the other person. This process can be repeated as much as necessary until the situation resolves, a further step in biblical conflict resolution processes is utilized, or some other event regarding the conflict occurs.

Christian Conciliation

Christian Conciliation is a combination of Christian conflict coaching and Christian mediation. Typically, the conciliator or conciliators will meet with the parties separately to provide biblical conflict coaching. Once the parties are ready to have a productive joint meeting, the parties meet with a neutral third party for assisted communication between the parties that usually includes addressing the (1) relational issues that should be addressed through confession, honest-loving communication, and forgiveness, and (2) the substantive issues that need to be resolved.

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