
Mediation uses a neutral third party “mediator” to facilitate communication to reach resolution of substantive disputes and aid in reconciling relationships and differences. Mediation is usually required by family law courts to attempt to settle the dispute by agreement instead of resorting to litigation which takes the court’s often already thinly stretched time and resources.

Christian mediation seeks Christ’s presence, authority, and work in the hearts of the parties and in the mediation procedure. A Christian mediator may pray, read scripture, teach and counsel based on biblical principles. The mediator will encourage the parties to apply those principles to the situation, including truthful and loving speech, repentance, forgiveness, and reconciliation for relationship issues. With relationship issues addressed, the parties are more ready to problem solve, negotiate, brain storm, and love each other while seeking resolution of substantive issues.

Litigation will often be proceeding simultaneously with mediation or Christian mediation. While litigation often is not helpful in solving relationship problems, partly successful Christian mediation can help the parties use problem-solving methods that encourage resolution and restoration.

Roy Huddle is a Christian peacemaker and mediator who seeks to serve Christians and anyone willing to try these methods for resolving their disputes with little or no intervention from the courts. Please contact me to discuss my serving you as a mediator.

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