Roy Huddle is a native Houstonian and has practiced law here since 1996. He has practiced primarily Family Law since the end of 2008, has been mediating since 2010, and has been a Christian peacemaker throughout his practice. He has been married to his wife, Pam, for 28 years and they have five sons. See below for Roys resume.
- RICE UNIVERSITY: Bachelor of Arts in English, May 1991
- State Bar of Texas since June 1996.
- Family Law Section, State Bar of Texas.
Selected Professional Employment
ROY HUDDLE, P.C. (August 2004 “ present)Attorney at law with primary practice area being family law since October 2008.
AMERICA FAMILY LAW CENTER (December 2015 “ August 2016) Staff attorney for family law non-profit organization.
HALL & STEPHEN, P.C. (October 2008-October 2009 and to 2010 as contract attorney) Associate attorney focusing on family law with general civil litigation law firm.
BUYER’S WAY HOME, L.L.C. (April 2004 “ September 2008) Owner, mortgage broker, and Realtor.
BLACK, MANN & GRAHAM, L.L.P. (March 2002, June 2002 “ January 2004)” Associate and contract attorney for residential real estate document preparation/mortgage lending law firm.
GREGG & VALBY, L.L.P. (May 1999 January 2002) Associate and contract attorney for residential real estate document preparation/mortgage lending law firm.
ROY ALLAN HUDDLE, Attorney (August 1996 April 1999) General civil practice and contract attorney.
Family Law Training and CLE Courses
- Collaborative Law Training 2018 (South Texas College of Law).
- Highlights – Family Law Year in Review 2017.
- Advanced Family Law Courses – Live 2015, 2008, Video 2014, 2013 (State Bar of Texas).
- Family Mediation Training, Harris County Dispute Resolution Center (2010).
- Representing Texas Children in Abuse and Neglect Cases (2008).
- NITA: Trail Skills for Juvenile and Family Courts (Houston 2010).
- Amicus Attorney and Attorney Ad Litem in Family Court, recorded in 2007 (Fort Bend County).
- Family Law Conference 2009 (South Texas College of Law).
- Anatomy of a Family Law Case, 2009 (South Texas College of Law).
Experience/Skills/Other Training
- Served as ad litem in Harris County and Fort Bend County
- Volunteer mediator with Harris County Dispute Resolution Center
- Received training in Christian conciliation through Peacemaker Ministries
- Received mediation training through Baptist General Assembly of Texas
- Received training in biblical counseling through National Association of Nouthetic Counselors